Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Guess who is in the Hummingbird Cottage, yep the Yoga Kittens. I had to come keep an eye on them cause Mommy isn't very good at watching kittens. I mean she is the one who exhibited the poor judgement and brought them out here where all sorts of things could get them if I wasn't here to protect them.

 Yang is a very polite boy, but he does like to explore.

 Yin prefers to sit by Mommy when she is outside.

 She watched me and Yang though.

 I told her it would be OK to get down and play if she wanted to.

Sure enough she did. ~Socks, kitten sitting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
 I have been playing with Yin and Yang, boy was Daddy wrong about me not wanting other cats. I love having kittens. Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas. He brought me another kitten. She looks like a tee tiny version of ME. The humans named...

- Scylla Sunday
I am being very cooperative today, first we have a selfie for Selfie Sunday hosted by The Cat on My Head, really don't see why Mommy gets bent out of shape when I try to sit on her head. Next I want to encourage everyone to give a homeless cat or...

- Scylla Sunday ~ The Yoga Kittens Have To Go, Cause I Said So
I smell KITTENS in MY Hummingbird Cottage. The BAD Mommy brought them down here to play. They are suppose to be FOSTER Kittens, they are suppose to be gone by now, but NO! now everybody wants them to stay, even MY Friends in Blogville. I hiss and growl...

- Yang Is Very Sick
Little Yang is very sick. Yesterday afternoon when Mommy got them out for some play time Yang was very lethargic, he couldn't even hold his head up. He was rushed to the vet and it was discovered he has Coccidiosis (there may be more issues but this...

- Socks Meows "we Didn't Mean We Wanted More Cats"
Everybuddy knows tomorrow is Mo Cats Day on the Internets. We meowed at Mommy that we wanted to participate. We did not mean we wanted Mo Cats here!!!!!!! But just look what happened............................................ We are fostering the Yoga...

