Scylla Sunday
My babies are back from the Veterinarian. They broke Yin, she is all hissy with me. I hope she gets fixed soon. Whatever happened to Yang turned him into a good boy who laid still and napped with me, instead of pouncing on me.
It apparently only works with me though as he has irritated the snot out of Fenris and Tuiren, Fenris barked at him and Tuiren growled at him. I advised him to stay back here with me where he would be safe as long as he obeyed MY Rules.
(Sigh) he isn't very good at obeying rules.
And that cone is very irritating. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD
Tuiren Tuesday With Yang
Yang likes to hang out in the back yard with me and Fenris. Mommy says she thinks Yang thinks he is a doggie. He does act like us. I am pretty sure he knows he is a cat though. He is fixing to go pounce on Yin, she is in the Jungle Gym. I...
Frakenfenny Friday
I had this small bump on my head. Really I tried to tell Mommy that it wasn't anything, I was fine yada yada, you would have thought that considering she took Tuiren (stick out of jaw), Socks (bloodwork) and Scylla (semi-annual checkup) in just...
Tuiren Tuesday
Scylla is sharing the porch with me and Mom. She is sitting in the swing with Mom. I am being a VERY GOOD DOG and sitting by the table so I don't disturb Her Majesty aka Scylla. Mommy says I STAY much better then Fenris. Mommy is reading...
Mancat Monday
Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean. I do NOT APPROVE!!!!! I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...
Fenris Friday
Mommy says it is time for this toy to go bye-by apparently I have chewed it too much. I sure will miss it. Glad Santa brought me a new toy. He brought Tuiren a toy too. ~Fenris Tuiren update: Mommy took her to the vet yesterday and we were super excited...