Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I get a nice long post today. I hope you enjoy it.

I am relaxing in the Hummingbird Cottage with my brother. It was so nice of Mommy to get a double chaise lounger for me and Socks to enjoy.

Come on Mom I need you to take some pictures for me.

We has lots of things blooming.

I instructed Mommy to leave the purple wildflowers in the flowerbed they look so pretty.

The Grancy Graybeard is getting ready to bloom.

The big Azalea down at the pond is GORGEOUS.

OK, I am ready to relax on the chaise lounge again, you may go weed Mommy.

I has to keep an eye on her or she will slack off.

I totally don't understand why she thinks SHE should be the one laying up here relaxing. SHE has work to do.

Besides weeding she needs to fertilize everything.

OK, I am ready to show you more stuffs.

The roses will be blooming soon, this one is a little early.

The Johnny Jump Ups have jumped right up and are blooming up a storm.

These cute little wildflowers are all over.

The trailer has some interesting smells in it, I has to check it out.

It is also a good place to lay down and relax.

Except sometimes Fenris & Tuiren jump up in here.

No dogs allowed I say.

I am tasting the grass to see if it is sweet.

The Senorita Rosalita Cleome hybrid is doing well.

Our Superbells are doing superb.

We just love the purple ones.

The azaleas all look lovely.

The Pinata Lavender is doing well.

We just loves the purple color.

I look pretty as a picture in my glamor shots.

And Socks and I are very thankful for our family, even if I do hiss at the dogs sometimes.

~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
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