Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Last Sunday Eldest Boy, his girlfriend, Mr. Who & Chloe came for dinner. I helped Mommy set the table. Then we went relaxed in the Hummingbird Cottage until they arrived.

The Sniffie Roses are blooming.

The Devil's Trumpet is blooming.

This is a puzzle. We only planted PURPLE Katie dwarf ruellia in this bed, if fact we only bought PURPLE but when it started spreading one bush had PINK flowers on it.

It has a nasty ant bed in it. Mommy will have to put some ant poison down before they kills the plant.

It also spread to another bed we didn't plant it in.

The yellow Butterfly Weed is fixing to bloom.

Our purrty purple wildflowers.

Our yellow wildflowers, I thinks Mommy called them Goldenrod.

Yet more wildflowers, we just love fall the wildflowers really put on a show.

Now I am going to roll around on the warm rocks.

And now I am going to pounce on Mommy.

I wants to sit in the chair with her.

I sent her to take a close up of another wildflower, we just love. Mommy calls it a Daisy.

I am going to take a nap. Scylla reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: In hopes of making our blog address easier to remember we have changed it to 

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