Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Katie Rubella is so pretty right now we just love the purple flowers. And the Cape Honeysuckle is a real show stopper.

Mommy bought some yellow Butterfly Weed and got it planted last week.

She planted it by our red Butterfly Weed, that came back up from last year. We had two. One plant made it and the other didn't so Mommy replaced it with the yellow one.

This concludes our report to the Society of Feline Gardeners. ~Scylla & Socks

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
The yellow Butterflyweed looks pretty with the red Mums and pink Zinnias. The Sniffie Roses look just gorgeous. The Candy Corn Cuphea looks pawsome next to the roses. Here is the whole bed. And a close up of the Mums. A Butterfly is enjoying the Katie...

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed An extremely hardy, long-lived perennial native to North America. The flowers produce a large quantity of nectar which attracts butterflies throughout the growing season. Blooming period: June-September Produces a very deep taproot making...

