Who Dat Wednesday

Who Dat Wednesday

I likes to copy everything my Uncle Fenris does. I has some neat movies for you to watch. Before I broke my leg I could play with the big doggies. Now I has to be still. I likes to run and jump, I do not likes being still. Grandma says I am being a good patient and that one day my leg will be good as new and I can run and jump again.  ~Mr. Who

Fenris Spots An Intruder

Mr Who Irritates Fen

Scylla is hissed off because Mommy forgots her birthday. Mommy says we will celebrate Sunday.

Happy Birthday Scylla from your siblings. ~Socks, Fenris, Tuiren & your nephew Mr. Who. Mommy says Happy Birthday too. We all love YOU! 

- Tuiren Tuesday
Hello everyone, today is a very impawtant day and I gets to bark a very impawtant message. Happy Birthday!!!Grandpa WayneWe love you!!!!Since Mommy is older then dirt her Daddy must be very old, Mommy says he has a good sense of humor so we can say this...

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Promise
Happy Birthday Mommy! we PROMISE not to reveal your age. ~Socks, Scylla, Tuiren & Fenris Grandma, Happy Birthday! I PROMISE not to pee or poop in the house today. ~ Mr. Who ...

- Happy Birthday Mommy & Gotcha Day Fenris By Artemisia
Today is Fenris' Gotcha Day (he was Mom's birthday present back in 2009) and Mommy's Birthday. We kitty's used our allowance to buy Fenris a burgundy leather lead from CSN Stores, but due to all the snow up north it won't be here...

- Tomorrow Is Ayla's Birthday
We got this cool award from Ayla & Iza. Look it even has butterflies on it. Let's see we thinks we are suppose to tell you 9 things about us cats. Artemisia keeps getting leaves in her tail.We all likes dog food and will eat out of Fenris bowl,...

