Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I thought I would show you the flowers up at the house. These have really taken off. They are in a planter that looks like a hollow log.

 Three different colored Angel Trumpets planted in the same pot. We kinda think the company that sold them tricked us. Grandpa wanted them cause he thought it was one Angel Trumpet that had there different colors on it. Mommy got him and Grandma one for Mother's Day and she got herself one too.  Mommy already had a peach and a yellow Angel Trumpet she could have just got a white one a lot cheaper and then rooted each of them and stuck them in the same pot and had the same thing. We also got a Chocolate Vine from them but it died. Mommy probably won't order anything from Michigan Bulb Company again (sigh) unless Grandpa ask her too.

This is our Crystal Palace Lobelia.  We got some more Mom just loves it.

 Would you like to walk down to the Hummingbird Cottage with me. It is just beautiful there.

 The Cape Honeysuckle looks pawsome.

Now I am just going to relax in my chair for awhile. Brian would you like to join me? Everyone else is welcome too there is plenty of room. ~Scylla

- Fenris Friday ~ I Spy
The Angel Trumpets are really outdoing themselves this year. Tuiren and I can keep an eye on things from our yard. Daddy is hard at work destroying Socks' hideout. Socks is very annoyed with him. See when Daddy built the Hummingbird Cottage he had...

- Thursday In The Garden By Scylla
The Bougainvillea, Mommy likes the way it is growing up the wall of the house. We thinks this is called a Tiger Lily. Grandma gave it to us a long time ago at Easter. The Angel Trumpet this is the pink one. The Lobelia for some reason it died. But...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the front flowerbed, it is a riot of pink Angel Trumpets, red Cuphea (KYOO-fee-uh) and yellow Buttercups. Doesn't the Angel Trumpet look huge in this picture? Our Cypress Vine, we are kinda disappointed we hoped it would climb up the bird...

- Flowers On Friday
This is an Angel's Trumpet ( Brugmansia), the purple and white flower we used to think was an Angel's Trumpet is really a Devil's Trumpet (Datura). Apparently the easiest way to tell them apart is Angel's Trumpet point down, Devil's...

- Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden Update
This is a flowering maple. Mommy likes the pretty yellow color. Here is an old~fashioned gladiola. Mommy needs to move it to the bulb bed this fall. Mommy & Daddy were going to do it this spring, but the warm weather got here too fast for them. ...

