Thursday in the Garden by Scylla

Thursday in the Garden by Scylla

The Bougainvillea, Mommy likes the way it is growing up the wall of the house.

We thinks this is called a Tiger Lily. Grandma gave it to us a long time ago at Easter.

The Angel Trumpet this is the pink one.

The Lobelia for some reason it died. But it sure did look purrty here.

I am relaxing in the Hummingbird Cottage, you are welcome to come relax with me.

The Vitex is blooming
The Lamiastrum, we has two different varieties Herman's Pride and Golden Globe. We really don't see why people thinks it is invasive. It hasn't shown any signs of leaving the bed Mommy planted it in and it takes forever to fill up the bed it is in. Maybe it just gets too cold in the winter here cause it dies off then and comes back when the weather is warmer.

I just loves this purple flower in the Charybdis Bed, we can't remember it's name.

It looks pretty with the Dusty Miller.

I am headed to the meeting of the Society of Feline Gardeners, do join me. Hi Jonesie. ~Scylla

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed is a riot of blooms. Pineapple Sage, Zinnias, some purple flower we don't know the name of. Mommy says it is a weed, but we thinks it is pretty so it gets to stay. The Confederate Rose by the house, they aren't roses they...

- Scylla Sunday
 I thought I would show you the flowers up at the house. These have really taken off. They are in a planter that looks like a hollow log.  Three different colored Angel Trumpets planted in the same pot. We kinda think the company that sold them...

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy got these Mums for Thanksgiving and planted them in the flowerbed once it was warm enough. They seem to be very happy in their new home. The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is blooming. This Azalea blooms a few weeks before the rest of ours do. Our neighbors...

- Fenris Friday With Flowers (yard Of Horrors) & Celebrate Life With Richie & Ronnii
Fin, (She is doing a House of Horrors week)  I am not scared of anything in the house, but there is something very scary in my yard. See I was minding my own business and  Mr Gander salted me. What is up with the wildlife. My friend Frankie...

