Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 Oh bast it turned cold on us before we expected it. Daddy hasn't got the Greenhouse put back together so all the plants in pots are in the garage. Mommy got some Candy Corn Cuphea planted a few weeks back and it is doing well. Supposedly it will come back again next year.
 Aren't the roses pretty.
 I is enjoying the sunshines.

Butterfly Weed

 The last of the Butterflies for this year.

I thinks I'll take a nap now ~Scylla

I just found out that Kat's Kat: Second Annual Everycat Sleeping Contest was extended. I excel at sleeping. Here is my entry (Scylla).

Scylla & Socks making use of the sleeping bag

And here is Socks's entry
Sibling love (Socks loves Scylla)
And here is Arty Mouse's entry
Artemisia zonked out

- Memories Of Fall (flashback)
 The Confederate Roses had lots of buds and would have been really pretty but only a few of the buds managed to bloom before the frost came and killed them. Maybe they will have a chance to bloom this year.  This rose blooms all year, it's...

- Feline Friday
It has been cold here so we have been staying inside. We do a lot of sleeping, as demonstrated by Scylla.We also do some snuggling, here Scylla is snuggling with me. Now Scylla has gone to visit Socks. Socks asked Daddy to bring the sleeping bag in for...

- Update On Vet Visits
Scylla is going for her 6 month checkup and Socks is going to get his stitches out and possibly his annual shots if the Vet feels like his immune system is up to it. We will have Mommy update you when they get back. Oh, Socks & Scylla don't know...

- Scylla Sunday
Mommy had the throw folded up into a nice bed for me. Since I was sleeping on it, she went got the other throw (which looks much better on your bed Mommy) out of the living room to put on her bed. I of course promptly jumped up on it. See the red looks...

- The Socks Report
We would like to thank the Ozark Mountain Cats for entering our Clean + Green contest you can read their neat entry here, and remind the rest of you to enter. Now this is UNBELIVABLE. If Mommy hadn't taken a very bad picture of it I would not...

