Feline Friday

Feline Friday

It has been cold here so we have been staying inside. We do a lot of sleeping, as demonstrated by Scylla.
We also do some snuggling, here Scylla is snuggling with me.

Now Scylla has gone to visit Socks. Socks asked Daddy to bring the sleeping bag in for him since it was so cold and amazingly Daddy did.

They are curled up asleep now and I thinks I will join them. ~Artemisia.

- Scylla Sunday
 Sorry we haven't been posting on a regular basis. Mommy isn't feeling well and she is super busy so we aren't able to post or comment as much as usual. We will try to do better in the New Year. She is OK, so don't worry just not...

- Scylla Sunday
 Oh bast it turned cold on us before we expected it. Daddy hasn't got the Greenhouse put back together so all the plants in pots are in the garage. Mommy got some Candy Corn Cuphea planted a few weeks back and it is doing well. Supposedly it...

- Socks Update
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- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
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- Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia
Oh there you are (sigh of relief) I was worried no one was going to show up for Tsarina Tuesday. Mommy has been slacking so much we hardly ever get to visit and now she is being haphazard with our post. Anyway I gets to tell 10 things I like today. Being...

