Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Hi, would you like to see our herb garden?

Mommy planted the herbs around the bird feeder.

Basil Purple Ruffles

German Chamomile

I like the color of the leaves on this Basil.

This is Basil too. Mommy grew it from seeds.

OK, I needs a nap now.

Brian, do you want to come snuggle?

- Frolicking Floral Adeventures With Socks
Would you like to come exploring with me? The Chinese Witch Hazel is simply stunning. After it rains we has a little stream. It is a nice place to take a drink or go wading on hot days. Now hurry along, we has lots to do. The verbena is blooming, Mommy...

- Wordy Wednesday With Socks
My good friend Basil gave me some awards. and According to Basil there aren't any rules that go with them, which is great cause I am horrible at RULES. So I am just going to thank Basil and enjoy them. ~Socks accepting these wonderful awards for ATCAD...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks & Artemisia
Mommy got some herbs for the Herb Bed. She got ornamental peppers (they aren't a herb but she stuck them in the Herb Bed anyway. The herbs she got are Stevia, Chamomile (it smells like apples), Tricolor Sage, Mexican Tarragon and our purrsonal favourite...

- Scylla Sunday
Good grooming is very important, OK I has all my furs in place now we can go look at the herb garden.This is the Purple Ruffle Basil. It's leaves turned green the taller it got. And it had pretty purple blooms. ...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Would you like to see our gardens? Angelface, we don't usually plant annuals but we couldn't resist this one. It lives in the Charybdis bed in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. The Herb Garden, it is on the side of our house. Purple Ruffle...

