Thursday in the Garden with Socks & Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Socks & Artemisia

Mommy got some herbs for the Herb Bed.

She got ornamental peppers (they aren't a herb but she stuck them in the Herb Bed anyway.

The herbs she got are Stevia, Chamomile (it smells like apples), Tricolor Sage, Mexican Tarragon and our purrsonal favourite CATNIP.

Socks and I examined all the herbs to make sure they were healthy. We has to admit we paid extra attention to the Catnip.

We helpled Mommy select the best places to plant them.

After she got them all planted we meowed at her to remind her to water them. We already have Curry, Fennel and Oregano, growing in the bed and we has some Yarrow poking it's head up.

We thinks everything looks very nice in there.

Now we are off to  Jonesie's to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners. ~Socks & Artemisia

PS: Book recommendation Slow Gardening by Felder Rushing

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