Scylla Update

Scylla Update

I got my stitches out but I still has to wear the cone of shame. I go back Tuesday for the vet to look at my tail again and I has an ointment to spray on my tail to protect it from germs and stuffs. ~Scylla

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Scylla Sunday
These are old pictures. I am happy to report my tail has healed, although it is still hairless. This was right before I went to the vet. I spent the night on my comfy pillow bed and early the next morning Mommy stuck me in the PTU and off to the vet we...

- Brave Baby
Most of you know I hurted my tail and had to go to the vet. While I was there I was very brave. I was so brave they gave me a Certificate of Bravery. I also made a new friend, purple cat kept me company while I recovered. My tail is healing nicely and...

- Scylla Tail Update
Just got back from the vet, she still has to wear the cone but her tail is healing nicely. ...

- Fenris Friday
 I has a sad, my sister Scylla got hurted. I was keeping an eye on her and one minute she was laying in the chaise lounge next to Mommy and the next minute she was screaming in pain.  Mommy says it isn't my fault, but I am suppose to protect...

