Scyllie Saturday

Scyllie Saturday

 Sometimes Mommy calls me Scyllie Scylla (Silly Scylla), especially when I am in a playful mood. Here I am playing in a box while Artemisia watches.

And now I am having a snooze in my Daddy's lap. He has been working on the Hummingbird Cottage. It sure is looking purrty with all the roses blooming. I'll have Mommy show you some pictures soon. ~Scylla

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
The Shasta Daisy's are doing well. Mommy grew them from seeds. The Butterflyweed didn't come back in this bed so we made Mommy get us some more. It is already blooming. The roses are stunning, even the ones on the vicious rosebush that attacked...

- Wordy Wednesday
Scylla & Socks enjoying some sibling time together.  I has been spraying Mommy and Daddy's bed, they are not amused. We now has Feliway and I seems to be happier. The Vet lady stole my pee to make sure there wasn't a PHYSICAL reason for...

- Scylla Sunday
 Arty and I are playing. I is going to get her IF she comes closer. I am Scylla hear me ROAR! I won't whap you promise. For some reason Artemisia didn't want to play. Do you want to play with me?~Scyllie Scylla ...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Fenris & Femme Friday
I am going to share my day with Scylla, but I gets to go first.  Silly Mommy thinks I should get in the pool. She put my ball in the pool in an attempt to trick me into it. Mommy moved the pool a little, I likes the way the dirt sniffs where the...

