Send in the Clowns Hosted by Tuiren

Send in the Clowns Hosted by Tuiren

Welcome to the Clown Tent, we have a line up of very silly clowns for your amusement. I has packed my family into the Clown Car so follow us Scylla, Fenris, Socks & Tuiren for a day of FUN! If you don't have your own car just pile in ours there is plenty of room we have already picked up some hitch hikers.........................

Emmett Kelly, Jr. at the New York World's fair in 1964

First I wants to introduce you to Emmett Kelly Jr. He is Mommy's favorite clown of all time. And now without further ado (VBP) I present THE CLOWNS OF BLOGVILLE 2013.

First up we has a REAL ASS...................................BOL, the synonym for donkey is ass, the male would be referred to as a jackass and the female would be called a jennett. OK now that I have bored you with facts lets admire the ASS.  

Joe from Marg's Animals
The fearless, the brave the canine version of 007.................................
Roo from Roo's Doins
The lovely Miss Asta, she has some balloons for you, if you wants one. For those of you who don't know Asta her Mommy is a very talented artist and helped her put together her ensemble (VBP)

Asta from Asta's World
Whew, I sure am glad Ranger brought his own wheels, my clown car is getting kinda crowded. But don't worry we will always make room for our friends.
Ranger from The Adventures of Ranger ~ The Scottie Pup

Zoey aka Squirt The Clown from Zoolatry
We think Zoey is simply stunning and now we have another stunning lady for you..........
Cathy Keisha from Stunning Keisha
A cute Tabby Cat, that is sure to make you smile.

Raz from The Tabby Cat Club
and his Cousin......................
Cousin Trooper from Friends FurEver

 Cinnamon is a very talented clown, Cinnamon can balance an ice-cream cone on two balls and eat it before it melts. Cinnamon says it takes lots of practice. I sure wouldn't mind practicing that trick over and over again. 
Cinnamon from Cinnamon The Dog With A Blog
Easy Rider
I sure hope Easy Rider doesn't drop one of those balls.

Please give a round of applause to Sweet William The Scot who is our music director for the Big Top. He makes a pawsome clown too.

Sweet William The Scot

These clowns came all the way from Texas
Life From a Cat & Dog's Perspective

These handsome guys are sure to leave the ladies wanting more....................
Lassie and Benji from Lassiter Chase and Benjamin the Shelties
And these two had us rolling on the floor laughing, they knows some really funny jokes.

The Lovely Lily Belle and Muffin
from Ahh ~ The life of a Dachshund! And a little bit more....

Be sure to come back to the Clown Tent tomorrow to see more clowns but for now head on over to the Circus Blog for the time of your life.

BIG TOP   CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS    ( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA
Dunk Tank by Puddles
Contortionists by Mayor Madi
Carnival GAMES by Roo
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally
Kissing Booth by Mayzie & Pip 
Free Admission
SIDE SHOW    Attraction Events...      FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon
Foodables by Chef Sasha
Carnival RIDES by Sallie
Stuffie Tamers
Frankie F.
Benny and Lily 

Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT

- Just Clowning Around Hosted By Tuiren
Welcome back to the Clown Tent, Mr Bear is just clowning around with Mrs Elephant. I hopes she doesn't get too annoyed and whap him with her trunk. But come on inside and see all the clowns I has lined up for your viewing pleasure today............................

- Who Dat Wednesday
Some of you know that Eldest Boy Bean who lives with us got an Italian Greyhound puppy. His name is Mr. Who. We has to admit he is cute and entertaing but he causes lots of trouble. He is not potty trained so he goes in the house, he chases Scylla, he...

- Mancat Monday
I am helping Mommy weed. I has a really important job, I has to meow encouragement at her so she doesn't give up. I also provide company for her while she weeds, so she doesn't get lonely. Unfortunately Eldest Boy Bean's puppy is interfering...

- Attention All Clowns
We want to make sure we didn't leave anyone out. If you sent us a picture we emailed you back to let you know that we had received it. If your name isn't listed below please let us know. Even if you got an email if your name isn't listed below...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

