Who Dat Wednesday

Who Dat Wednesday

Some of you know that Eldest Boy Bean who lives with us got an Italian Greyhound puppy. His name is Mr. Who. We has to admit he is cute and entertaing but he causes lots of trouble. He is not potty trained so he goes in the house, he chases Scylla, he jumps on Tuiren until she gets tired of it and snaps at him and ...............Tuiren has been attacking Fenris since the puppy arrived.  He also spends an inordinate amount of time sleeping in MOMMY'S LAP.  He even fell in the pond. Mommy had to fish him out and bring him up to the house real quick so he wouldn't freeze to death. But we thoughts you might like to watch him attacking a leaf. If for some reason you can't watch the video on our blog you can watch it here.

Tuiren is jetting over the pond with Roo and accroding to Tui "FISH EGGS ARE DELICIOUS, I WANTS THEM EVERYDAY FOR BREAKFAST". We think Roo may have created a monster.

The rest of us wound up teleporting over to the Ball.

And remember after Valentines the Circus will be in town.

ADMISSION TICKETS (fundraising for Sallie and Turien 
and Marg's Animals) are now
on sale at the circus blog ... get yours today, or donate thru February 22.
Tickets to enter the Big Top are $1.00 (each view or attempt), 
or 10 for $9.00.
Note: Use the CHIP-IN (good world-wide for donations), 
and all funds raised will be distributed after the Circus Tents 
are all packed up and on their way.
Here's all the fun you'll find under the Big Top!
Remember, just $1.00 for each, or 10 for $9.00

 There are two (2) Comment-A-Thon Baskets ...
Pip's Basket will go to the blogger who leaves the MOST comments on
the Kissing Booth.  The Circus Basket will go to that blogger who leaves
the MOST comments overall during the two-days under the Big Top.

And the Ringmaster wants to call your attention to all 
the SIDE SHOW Events ~
FREE to view and enjoy at these blogs!  Don't miss them!
FUReak Show, by Sheldon and Beachnut
Carnival Foods,by Chef Sasha
Carnival Rides, by Sallie
Clowns, by Turien
OUTDOOR Stuffie Taming, by Benny and Lily
INDOOR Tent Stuffie Taming, by Frankie and Ernie

Thank you Ann and Frankie for putting together this info for us all!

- Just Clowning Around Hosted By Tuiren
Welcome back to the Clown Tent, Mr Bear is just clowning around with Mrs Elephant. I hopes she doesn't get too annoyed and whap him with her trunk. But come on inside and see all the clowns I has lined up for your viewing pleasure today............................

- Send In The Clowns Hosted By Tuiren
Welcome to the Clown Tent, we have a line up of very silly clowns for your amusement. I has packed my family into the Clown Car so follow us Scylla, Fenris, Socks & Tuiren for a day of FUN! If you don't have your own car just pile in ours there...

- Pip Is Looking For Sponsers ...........could It Be You?
how about sponsoring part of the circus comment-a-thon? The circus will take place February 15-16 and is a fundraiser to help with veterinary expenses for Sallie, Tuiren, and Marg. You can sponsor a portion of the event or the whole thing if you are feeling...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

- Tuiren Barks Impawtant Blogville Annoucement
I am very excited I gets to host my first event. Now you has to read all about it. I am turning the post over to Frankie he is so good at explaining things. (Frankie Furter) Attention BLOGVILLE and surrounding Areas....   THE CIRCUS is Coming to...

