She's Here!

She's Here!

Welcome Scarlet!

Yesterday Becky and I went to pick up Donnie Brasco's little sister.

We arrived at the Charles Farm....
and went out to look at the pony herd.
What a beautiful group of ponies.
And a new baby, too!
Scarlet was a bit curious and came right over to us.
A little bit closer.....
Loading onto the horse trailer went relatively smoothly...
with lots of peppermint treats.

When we arrived back at the farm,
where the boys were anxiously awaiting this beautiful little filly,
they were all quite happy to meet her.

After a little time getting to know each other over the fence,
I will put Scarlet out in the pasture with the Littles.

Scarlet's quite happy to be able to shake things up a bit
for the boys!

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