Teenager Troubles

Teenager Troubles

Thursday evening (last night)....
Bigs in their dry lot,

Littles in theirs.

Scarlet still in the pasture,



Our Miss Scarlet has a mind of her own.
"NO!! I don't wanna come in!!"

Put on a fly mask?

Come in from the pasture?

She stomps her feet, turns on her heels and
throws her little temper tantrum.

I have to admit....I am ready to throw in the towel.
Our good friend Nancy, who gave Scarlet to us,
I'm sure will take Scarlet back into her herd.
We think she needs another mare around her to put her in her place.
Obviously, I won't do!

To be continued.......

And here is our cute baby picture of the day....

Off to the duck pond for a walk...
Oh those ducks...they have a mind of their own, too.
They have stopped going back into their hut on their own
each evening.
That means that each evening around 8:30 Grammie and Grampie 
have to do the canoe round-up on the pond.
Silly ducks!

- Scarlet Gets A Manicure
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- Pond Happenings
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- Sleep Tight.....
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- Duck, Duck, Dog
Yesterday afternoon, after chores,the dogs and I headed down to the pond to check on the ducks. They are really enjoying their pond time each day.Every morning, Methuselah, our old Campbell duck, is waiting on the shore beside the duck hut....pacing...waiting...

- She's Here!
Welcome Scarlet! Yesterday Becky and I went to pick up Donnie Brasco's little sister. We arrived at the Charles Farm....and went out to look at the pony herd.What a beautiful group of ponies.And a new baby, too!Scarlet was a bit curious and came right...

