Sibling Saturday

Sibling Saturday

Socks it taking things easy in the Hummingbird Cottage.

The Blue Daze looks pretty in the hanging basket and Socks likes looking at it.

Scylla is hiding from the workmen. We thinks it is way to noisy up at the house.

We will be glad when it gets dark and they go home, then we can go home and play with our toys.

The Scylla Palace and the Hanging Mouse Inn are just waiting for us to come enjoy them.

Scylla can't decide what to play with first.

Once we got through playing with these toys we went into the study.

Socks thought he was hidden in the shoebox but Scylla still found him to pounce on him.

So then he went hid in the Scylla Palace.

It took her a wee bit longer to find him there. ~Socks & Scylla

- Scylla Sunday
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- Fenris Friday
 Remember last week I told you about the neat prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey, well this is another one of the prizes, and Scylla graciously shared this prize with ME!!!!!  It is a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains,...

- Scylla Sunday
I thoughts I would show you more of the neat prizes I won. This is the limited edition “Cat Ruler of the World” litter box from NVR Miss Litterbox.    Don't you just LOVE the marble look. I will feel very posh when I goes to the...

- Artemisia @ Play
I love to play and I love all the toys that we have here. I am getting along better with Scylla. We actually sleep with each other sometimes. She still gets all hissy & growly when I pounce on her and she doesn't want to play. Socks says I...

- Pill Pockets
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