Socks Update

Socks Update

I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest Boy Bean's bed. I ate a very good supper and even played with my sisters some.

The beans don't know exactly when I got hurt. Mommy thinks that Scylla might have been the one that hurt me because awhile back I was whapping her if she came near me and that is totally unlike me. I wasn't whapping Artemisia or Fenris just Scylla, so Mommy thinks I was hissed off at her about something and Mommy says getting her chest and shoulder bit would hiss her off so ................Daddy says Scylla's mouth isn't big enough to have made the bite. I have been acting normal and eating good so they didn't know I was hurt. My furs (which they shaved off) covered the wound up. So anyway Christmas Day I was sitting in Mommy's lap at the computer and she felt a squishy lump. But of course the VET was closed for the holidays. Since I seemed fine otherwise Mommy & Daddy decided to wait until Monday so I could see my regular VET, instead of going to the ER VET. And that is how I wound up at the VET's having surgery and getting stapled. ~Socks.

- A Tail Of Woe
Many of you asked what happened to my tail, so I thoughts I would tell you my tale of woe. Tuesday evening I was sitting on the chaise lounge by Mommy when all of a sudden I got in POUNCE mode, Mommy thought I had seen a lizard or something I leaped from...

- Scylla Sunday
Mommy had the throw folded up into a nice bed for me. Since I was sleeping on it, she went got the other throw (which looks much better on your bed Mommy) out of the living room to put on her bed. I of course promptly jumped up on it. See the red looks...

- Introducing ...... & Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 29 Peace On Earth. Good Will Toward Men...and Cats...and Other Animals
These are my baby pictures (October 3, 2009). I was born at Grandma's House. I was a barn cat. I didn't have a warm house to sleep in and I didn't get taken to the vet. All that changed Christmas. My Mommy & Daddy still miss Charybdis...

- Note From Charybdis
Everyone thank you so much for your purrs and good wishes. I am feeling much better. Mommy is feeling a little better too. She says if she could lay around sleeping all day she would probably feel as good as I do, but somebody has to take care of us....

- Charybdis' Tale
Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU. We left for Grandma & Grandpa's...

