Note From Charybdis

Note From Charybdis

Everyone thank you so much for your purrs and good wishes. I am feeling much better. Mommy is feeling a little better too. She says if she could lay around sleeping all day she would probably feel as good as I do, but somebody has to take care of us.

I went to the VET at 9:40AM and I have an upper respiratory infection, the good news is my lungs are clear and my heart sounds fine. They gave me an oral antibotic that I take twice a day for seven days (hiss) and some medicine for pain and inflammation that I get for 3 more days. On the way back we stopped at T & N Feed Store (they are really nice they lets us cats and dogs come in the store) and got some canned Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul for me to eat. It is super yummy. Once we got home I crawled under Mommy's bed and went to sleep. I woke up about 3PM and meowed to be let out of Mommy & Daddy's room. Mommy let me out and I ate a little bit. I am being kept away from Scylla & Socks so they don't get my cold. Then I jumped in Mommy's lap and started purring. We has been taking it easy on the couch it is raining here. And Daddy says either me or Mommy gave him our cold. I hope he has mine, he can keep it, I do not like being sick. Apparently a lot of people down here have cold, my VET had one of her own. I hope she gets better soon. Even though I do not like going to see her she is always nice to me and she made me feel lots better today. ~Charybdis

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