

Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking yesterday 
when I said that my life is quite often solitary.

The truth is...
I never have a moment alone.
(Not even in the "loo"!)
Yes, even in that one moment we hope will be private,
there are always at least two sets of eyes staring into mine.

I never leave the house without at least three sets of four legs running after  me.

Don't get me wrong, 
I am not complaining.
Not at all.

Case in point:

Yesterday, noon, I ventured out to the barn...
between rain showers...
(camera in hand)
to put my horses out in the front pasture to graze.
Of course, Sam and Oakley had to accompany me.
Once at the barn, the kitties joined in, too.

While out there, I realized that Becky's horses were out in the upper pastures...
a scene that I love, but miss during the warmer buggy months when they only go out at night.
I walked up to say hello.

Within moments I heard the familiar T. Rex sort of ground pounding run
that could only mean the turkeys had spotted me too!

And because the guineas are their constant companions,
(oh... Guido, Gus and Giuseppe seem to have worked out their differences)
they came running along behind.

I have to admit, it is a bit unnerving to have three large turkeys running toward you.
But of course we all know these three are gentle giants.

Of course when the horses spy me, they also have to come running over to the fence
to offer their salutations.

Sid and Ava share a pasture.
Duffy (Becky's retiree)...

 grazes alone in the next pasture.

Sid quickly bores of the niceties and turns to bite Ava on the butt...

an invitation to chase him...

and he heads off across the pasture.

Ava remains at the fence, indifferent to his advances.

I wander off to visit with the goats and the horses go back to grazing.

You might notice that these chickens are not out free ranging.

They have developed this nasty habit of laying eggs inside the goat houses.

I found this out when Star complained to me.

"You see," she said, "goats really don't like fresh eggs,
and it is quite inconvenient to have to share your house with a nest of them."

Especially when you are already sharing your house with your relatives.

Back to the chickens....
I am keeping them in their yard until later in the afternoon,
when I am pretty sure they have already laid their eggs in their nesting boxes.
Then they can go out and hunt for worms and other yummy treats.

I've wandered off course a bit.
My point is....
I am never alone.
Not for a blessed second.

But, I'm not complaining!

PS....Jill seems to have adjusted to Jack's passing and has taken on his roll
in the goat pen....

Smilin' Jill!

Have a great day....
hope you're smilin' too!

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