Soothing Saturday

Soothing Saturday

The Rooster Violets are still doing OK after Mommy transplanted them to the Charybdis bed. When Daddy was in Meridian getting rocks he got more Rooster Violets so Mommy planted them at the Hummingbird Cottage.

Mommy transplanted this little white violet to the Charybdis Bed. It was growing next to the dead Encore Azalea that Mommy replaced with this........................................

Loropetalum we are going to call it Chinese Witch Hazel cause Witch Hazel was Grandma's nickname when she was in highschool.

Mommy finally got this flower bed weeded. The purple lantana is coming back along with the Mexican Petunias.

The Rooster Violet looks much better now that Mommy weeded around it and got the pot out of it. Maybe now that it has some room it will spread and fill up the planter. We won't be able to visit today as Mommy went to this with youngest boy bean, we will check in with you as soon as we can. ~AFSS

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy what is the white stuff in with the Red Hibiscus?  Artemisia Yes, Mommy it is me but what is the plants name? Artemisia Mommy I thinks we are having a problem communicating. I am asking you what the plant is called I know what I am called....

- Thursday In The Garden With Toad
 The Rooster Violets are still looking nice, they are a type of Pansie.  OK, lets head down to the butterfly Garden for awhile.  Our Azalea in full bloom.  The Wisteria, I just loves it.  The Verbena, Mommy you really need to...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Forsythia is a mass of blooms. It is always one of the first plants to bloom and it says SPRING to us. We wishes it's blooms lasted longer. It is already getting leaves which means the blooms will be gone soon. We will enjoy it while we can. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

