Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Forsythia is a mass of blooms. It is always one of the first plants to bloom and it says SPRING to us. We wishes it's blooms lasted longer. It is already getting leaves which means the blooms will be gone soon. We will enjoy it while we can.

The Johnny Jump Ups, they are related to our Roster Violet (both are Violas) but they are not the same thing. The leaves are different and the Roster Violet has bigger blooms. And Violas are related to Pansies. which explains why the Roster Violet did so well in the winter. Mommy got stupid brave and transplanted the Roster Violet that was in the flower pot to the Charybdis Bed, we hopes it will do good there.

Mommy also dug up a Johnny Jump Up that was in the Strawberry Bed and put it down at the Hummingbird Cottage. It seems to be doing good and it is the only thing blooming in that bed although we were happy to see that our Asters and Mexican Blue Bells are coming back up.
A solitary Daffodil, we thinks it is very cheerful.

The Japanese Magnolia preparing to bloom and the Verbena bed Mommy has been weeding.

The Stokes Aster and the Bugleweed.

See all the leaves. it takes forever for Mommy to get them out of the flowerbeds.

The Snowflakes around the Japanese Magnolia. We are hoping they will bloom.

Artemisia is taking a bath.

Grandma Hazel gave us this plant. It use to live at Great-Grandma Agnes' house. No one knows it's name. Do you know it's name? The flowers are a purplish blue and they grow from bulbs. They were blooming in late February and early March. They are already starting to die back.

Our thanks to Old Kitty for correctly identifying our plant it is a Blue French Roman Hyacinth.

Thanks to Alfie, Milo and Ginger Jasper we got a botany lesson today. People in different places often call plants by different names, it can make learning the names of plants very confusing for us kitties. Anyway we discovered that English Bluebells are related to Hyacinths.

The plants we American Kitties think of when we hear the name Bluebell are not. Virginia Bluebells and Texas Blue Bells.

Scylla was very pleased to learn this Angel and her Garden Cottage Cats call the plant Scilla. We went to read about it and discovered it was named after Scylla.

Mommy planted them in the Charybdis Bed.

The Quince, we are just thrilled it FINALLY decided to bloom.

Time to head to Jonesie's and explore everyone else s gardens.

- Outside With Fenris & Tuiren
Mommy has been weeding the flowerbeds at the Hummingbird Cottage, they are looking pretty good. The Johnny Jump Ups always make us smile, they are such cheerful plants. The violets are pretty little things. One of the nice things about the Johnny Jump...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

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The Redbud Tree is already blooming, it is very early for it to be blooming but we are enjoying it.   Our Hummingbird Cottage looks just beautiful covered in Carolina Jasmine, there is some growing wild in the woods too. Blackberries growing wild....

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is a Foxglove Mommy keeps in the green house. A little violet is coming up in the same pot. Mommy will probably find a bed to plant it in this year.  Daddy grew these tomatoes from seeds. He has already planted most of them in buckets....

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

