Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung!

We enjoyed a wonderful spring weekend...
temps in the 50's and 60's,
blue skies and sunny,

It was the perfect weather for getting Spring projects completed.
The bunny fence is in place in one of the perennial flower beds.

The violas are blooming.

Lovely little smiling flower faces...

that make me smile!

The animals are all enjoying the temperate days.
The pigs are finally out and about.

Here is MaryAnn's greeting when she sees us....

and the progression....

from standing to...

lying down happens very quickly,
to accomodate this...

There's nothing better than a warm afternoon belly rub.
Or a tete-a-tete...

Everyone wants to be a part of the lovin'!

I had almost forgotten the joy of a warm, lazy afternoon...

in the company of friends....

Saturday night we had a real treat.
Our favorite little local cafe hosts a Farm to Table event once a month.
Saturday night they featured an Italian night...
Fresh local micro greens in a Caprese salad with homemade mozzarella from a local creamery,
homemade bread, homemade pasta...cannelloni with local ricotta,
and for dessert... cannoli with local ricotta and pistachio cream.
To top the evening off, there was a local group playing Appalachian music...
great fun.

If you, dear reader, are local...
you really must make a trip to the little town of Newport and visit
the Espresso Yourself Cafe.
Chef Cheryl does an amazing job of bringing delicious locally sourced faire
to her charming old-world style cafe (breakfast and lunch Tues. thru Sat.)
(They are also open til 6 PM on Thurs. and Fri....for dinner.)
I promise, you won't be disappointed!

And if you are in the area on the first Saturday of any month,
put in your reservation for the Farm to Table dinner.
It's a blast!

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- After The Rains
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- With A Little Help From Our Friends
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