Things I Love About the Country Life

Things I Love About the Country Life

Late yesterday afternoon I decided to make a trip to the local supermarket. It is located in a town about 10 miles away from our farm, and is the county seat. It is our biggest local town... and actually has two traffic lights (the only ones in the entire area). Having lived in the city/suburbia for so long, we have gotten used to (and tired of) traffic and the nuisances that accompany it. Life in the country is a refreshing change. No traffic, no road rage, no parking issues. You pretty much know how much time it will take you to reach any destination...and you never have to account for traffic! About the only thing that will slow down any trip is an occasional horse and buggy. And to me, they are a welcomed sight....a reminder that it is possible to live a slow, simple and deliberate life.

I thought I would share a scene from our local supermarket with you....

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