Still, Life.....

Still, Life.....

....remains held within Winter's icy clutch....

Winter months seem long. Even more so when I read friends' blogs from warmer climates. Here in Pennsylvania it feels as though Spring is still so far away. Most days are grey, the winds remain frigid, and snow showers sneak up on us when we let our guard down.

But still, we cling to the hope that Spring will sneak in early and get a foothold on our land...turning the greys and browns to green once again.

- On Being Baby Bear
 If you asked, I'd tell you....I am a middle-of-the road kind of girl...I avoid extremes. I am definitely the Baby Bear that Goldilocks gravitates toward.So, when it comes to times of the year,I am happiest when it's "not too hot" and "not...

- Winter's Palette
Ok, so I have been a bit spoiled with this winter's weather.We have had more balmy 50 degree days than ever in my lifetime.I honestly can say that I have not suffered through frigid temps at all this year. Just so that I don't get comfortable,...

We are in that time of year when there is not much naturally occurring nutrition available for our animals. As you can see in this picture our front pasture is dry and barren.Yet, every day the horses love to go out and forage.They find precious...

- Needing Green
Green is my favorite color.And yet.... it has been far too long since I have seen any green,or smelled any green.Green is a color that I think you can even hear.You certainly can taste it! My world right now is grey...shades of black and white,with a...

- Bitter Winter Winds
Winter arrived today with a frigid blast of wind and snow showers. This is our little A-frame cottage that serves as home on the farm until construction of our log home is complete. We have replaced the windows with ones that will match the log home's...

