Needing Green

Needing Green

Green is my favorite color.
And yet.... it has been far too long since I have seen any green,
or smelled any green.
Green is a color that I think you can even hear.
You certainly can taste it!

My world right now is grey...
shades of black and white,
with a little greyish brown.
It has been this way for a little too long now.

I fear that even I am turning shades of grey myself.

Time for a little taste of Spring,
don't you think???

Rather than post another wintry story,
I will share with you a bit of sunshine and Springtime...
a bit of green to see and smell and taste.
Dip into your memory banks for the smell and taste that goes along
with these images....

With Spring comes new life to the farm...

And remember,
it won't be long before our grey world is replaced by one of green
and vibrant colors.

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