Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday

(I stole the title of today's post from my son and daughter-in-law...
it's what they call Sundays at their house, and it seemed fitting!)

As predicted, it was a quiet, but lovely weekend on the farm.
Aside from a couple of errands run on Saturday, we spent the weekend at home.
A visit from my sweet Mom on Sunday gave us a break from farm work...
and we took this opportunity to play a little and eat a lot.

The garden has gifted us with all sorts of ingredients, so we've been cooking up a storm.

Chipotle chicken soup from our local chickens,
and our very own onions, celery, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, and corn.

Chipotle/maple kale chips...what a yummy snack!

Fresh organic peach pie from Dr. Becky's peach tree...

We started harvesting our Christmas limas.

They are climbing the fence alongside the Chinese red noodle beans,
and just this weekend started to look like they were drying.

Each dry hull contains several lovely red and white lima beans.
When completely dry, they will keep in the pantry for use over the winter.

I am sure that you have figured out by now that even when we are working,
we are having lots of fun.

It's virtually impossible to spend time around the farm and not have fun.

To me, even the work is it's all good!

Sunday evening, after finishing up a little mowing,
I sat outside the horse's lot.
With treats in hand, I sat there talking to the horses.

Looking up at everyone peering at me over the fence,
I suddenly realized what the horses look like to the dogs!

Pretty silly!

No wonder Sam wants to chase them.

By the end of Sunday, temperatures were once again in the low 60's
and as we did the bedtime chores, we were treated to a huge orange moon in the sky.

Evenings are magical.  As the sun sets and darkness settles over the farm,
the garden and the barn area become a wonderland of tiny lights.

The garden sheds and playhouse are all strung with solar lights.
Tiny lights, the songs of katydids, the cool evening air and the huge moon....
all made for a magical moment...
the perfect ending to the perfect day!

I promised you a giveaway this week...
and as soon as I have the picture taken, I will announce it!

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