I Need A Week To Rest Up From The Weekend....

I Need A Week To Rest Up From The Weekend....

We were gifted with another beautiful autumn weekend.

By Sunday, however, the weather turned markedly colder...
a harsh reminder that winter is on its way.

We had farm visitors on Saturday...
three grandchildren of a friend.

The animals were happy to get extra loving...

and some, not so happy...

The horses and donkeys had apple treats.

The pigs had apple treats also, but not before they received an adequate helping of smooches!

The pigs always seem to be a favorite amongst kids.
Which works to Ginger and MaryAnn's favor...
since company is one of their very favorite things.
(Second only to apple treats!)

Of course there was the obligatory poop-scooping...

and egg gathering.

Saturday evening we saw these 14 wild turkeys in our field...

Oh, if only there were a few spare girls for Tom and Chuck!!

We had a blast Saturday night at our local corn maze.
We did the maze in the dark and it was haunted!
I think Hubbs scared me more times, jumping out from the corn, than any of the haunters did!

I spent Sunday alone on the farm and used the time wisely...
mowing the bee yard, turning the manure piles with the tractor,
making bracelets, ironing, riding the bike for an hour,
and cleaning the front pasture.

Bobby decided to come along for the ride...
and didn't mind sharing his seat so that I could taxi him around!

I picked the last of the peppers...as frost was predicted for Sunday night.
Once frost has its way with the garden it will be time to clean out the garden boxes
and tuck them in for the winter...
with the exception of the kale... as that will continue to thrive for a couple more months.
It's sad to say goodbye to the garden...
especially the wholesome bounty it provides us.
But.. "To everything there is a season" and we are coming upon that time of resting and planning
and filling our time with the things that we don't have time enough for during the warmer months.

Every season has its wonderfulness...
and I wouldn't trade watching the seasons change for anything!

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