Sunday Selfies with Princess Yin and Prince Yang

Sunday Selfies with Princess Yin and Prince Yang

We hope it is OK, Mommy helped us with our Selfies. I am lounging on her bed. Mommy says the red throw sets off my furs to purrfection.

This modeling gig is hard work.

Look here, turn this way do that.

I thinks I probably deserve some treats.

Yang, heard me meowing about treats and came running. Mommy snapped his picture and her toe before consenting to go fetch the treats from the kitchen. HRH Princess Yin, reporting for ATCAD

- Selfie Sunday & A Movie With Chimera
Scylla, said she didn't feel like modeling so I volunteered to fill in. Doing selfies is a lot harder than it looks. Really hard to hold the camera and take a picture of yourself. Especially with small paws so I asked the Mom for help. Ignore her...

- Fenris Friday
I love the toy 15 and Meowing sent us doggies, they sent one for me and Tuiren. Can you believe Yang tries to take it away from me. It's a good thing we all love him so much because he is a pest. He tries to steal our treats right out of our mouths....

- Fenris Friday
I am trying to get Yin and Yang to play ball with me. They don't seem to understand how to play ball. I finally got Mommy to throw the ball, so I could retrieve it. I tried to bring it to Yin and Yang, but they wanted to play hide n seek. So me and...

- Scylla Sunday
I am coming!!!!!! Mommy gives me my two measly treats down at the Hummingbird Cottage. We have been having cooler than normal temperatures for November, it's getting down to 32 at night, but so far no frost so the plants are doing OK. Me and Mommy...

- Mystery Solved
Mommy is to blame The treats were found where Mommy puts the dried cranberries for the people to eat. In her defense she insist we reveal that the treats had cranberries in them and a picture of cranberries on the package. ...

