Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I am coming!!!!!! Mommy gives me my two measly treats down at the Hummingbird Cottage.

We have been having cooler than normal temperatures for November, it's getting down to 32 at night, but so far no frost so the plants are doing OK.

Me and Mommy not so much we are freezing.

Thank CAT for electric blankets.

Like everyone else I had a modeling session. We thinks I did a good job modeling.

And unlike the rest of the family I didn't complain about it.

Purple is my favorite color so I was happy the Ironweed got included in my portrait.

And me and Mommy thinks I have lost some more weight.

I'll have to go back to the vet soon and get weighed to find out for sure, but we thinks my face looks thinner.

~Scylla, happily modeling for ATCAD

PeeS: Be sure to check out Wildcat Woods Vintage Treasures Auction for Georgie it ends December 7th.

- Fenris Friday
Another modeling session. Mommy says I needs to give lessons to Lady O'Meara and Tuiren. I sits on command and I stays while Mommy takes the picture. I also flirt with the camera, but that's my secret. A guy has to keep a few secrets. ~Fenris...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy asked me to do a modeling session. Here is my standing patiently with tail waving. And my sit, but the modeling session got interrupted. Sometimes when you has an itch. You just has to scratch it. Do you want to scratch my itch? ~Fenris, asking...

- Saturday Artwork And Scylla's Weight Loss Update #hillssciencediet #healthypet #scylla #weightloss
One of the Zinnias turned into a Kaleidoscope. ~ATCAD Scylla: I have finished my first bag of Hill's Prescription Diet  Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution I have been eating it for a month. I have lost 2 oz. I am trying not to get discouraged....

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

- Alasandra's Purrfurmance Review
Quantity of Output ~ High, we has a post most every day so we guesses we can't complain. Quality of Output ~ we are divided here. Socks & Scylla give Mommy a Medium. We thinks there are way to many pictures of Fenris on our blog, but...

