Sunday with Scylla

Sunday with Scylla

Hi everybody, I thought you might like to visit the butterfly garden with me.

The candlebush is the star of our garden right down. Aren't it's yellow blooms pretty? Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, wasp and ants all seem to like it's blooms.

This is the Mexican Petunias it has really pretty purple blooms, and behind it you can see our azalea blooming.

Remember our red hibiscus that got knocked down. Well here are the babies coming up. Also the branches Mommy tried to root in pots seem to be doing OK.

Maybe I can show you the Confederate Roses (which is a funny name for them as they are not roses, they are hibiscus) blooming next week they have buds on them and look like they will bloom any day.


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- Sunday With Scylla
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