Sunday with Scylla

Sunday with Scylla

Our azaleas are blooming again. They are really pretty when they bloom.

Mommy thought this was butterfly weed, but it isn't. We don't know what it is, but it took over Mommy's flowerbed. It has pretty yellow flowers.

Isn't this a pretty color for azaleas?

The BAD WIND knocked over our red hibiscus. We are very sad about this, but some babies are coming up around it and Mommy is trying to root the limbs the wind knocked over. So we will see what happens.

We are preparing in case Gustave comes calling so we may not be able to visit our friends as much as we would like. We are very tired of the BAD WEATHER. ~Scylla

- Thursday In The Garden
This is a WEED. Mommy usually says bad words when she sees it but since it was growing next to the green house where she wouldn't step on it she didn't. It has pretty flowers but the leaves have nasty stickers. The Red Hibiscus is blooming. It...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I likes to play with bugs, there are a lot of them out in the yard.  I loves the flowers, they smell good and some of them are fun to play with.  The Azaleas look so pretty when they are blooming. I likes to sit under this Azalea bush...

- Thursday In The Garden
Roster Violets  I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden. We has weird weather in the winter. One day it is in the 40's and everybody is shivering and Mommy is wearing sweaters and hogs the electric blanket and the next day it is back up in the 70's...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
This is a Plumeria. Mommy got it when she was in Oahu (May 2005). This is the first time it has bloomed so Mommy was very excited. We were even happier that it bloomed this year cause we were able to share the Plumeria with our friends at our NOMS Party....

