Flowers on Friday by Scylla

Flowers on Friday by Scylla

This is a Plumeria. Mommy got it when she was in Oahu (May 2005). This is the first time it has bloomed so Mommy was very excited. We were even happier that it bloomed this year cause we were able to share the Plumeria with our friends at our NOMS Party.

Isn't this flower a pretty blue. It is a Wishbone flower. We have no idea where it came from. It is a volunteer. Mommy hopes more volunteer as she likes it a lot.

Our Azaleas are blooming. Mommy can't get used to having Azaleas that bloom all the time. She gets all excited when they bloom.

The Mexican Petunias are very happy. A hummingbird was visiting them the other day.

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden
This has been taking up all Mommy's time. We would say we don't likes it, but well it is kinda neat to hang out in it. The roof, one day Mommy hopes to have vines growing over it. Mommy already has the roses planted in the flower bed. One of the...

- Flowers On Friday
We love the red blooms on our Hibiscus and the read leaves on the Haight Ashbury Hibiscus , it is going to bloom very soon. The Mexican Petunias are still doing well. The Azaleas are blooming, we just love this new variety that blooms all year. The...

- Sunday With Scylla
Our azaleas are blooming again. They are really pretty when they bloom. Mommy thought this was butterfly weed, but it isn't. We don't know what it is, but it took over Mommy's flowerbed. It has pretty yellow flowers. Isn't this a pretty...

- Scylla On Sunday
One of our favourite places to spend a lazy morning is the Butterfly Garden. If you go outside early enough it is still nice and shady down there, and pleasant to sit. Our neighbor gave us two new plants. Mommy can't remember the name of the one...

