Sunday with Scylla

Sunday with Scylla

These flowers are growing in our vegetable garden. This is our Mississippi Pink Peas, we had some for supper and they are very tasty.

This is a watermellon. Isn't the yellow flower cute.

This is okra. It has a pretty yellow flower too. It is a type of hibiscus.

The eggplant has a pretty purple flower.

We are sorry if we haven't been by to visit you. We are very busy picking and shelling peas. We will be by to visit as soon as we can. Meow, Scylla

- Wordless Wednesday
We were asked to identify these plants so we decided to meow about them. The plant with the white flowers is Oregano (we are sure about that). The one with the yellow flowers is dill (we are sure about that one too) Now we are to the tricky one. Because...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is sp pretty and it smells divine.  These wildflowers found a home in our flower bed, they were too cute to pull up.  Our Zinnias reseeded themselves.  More of the Goldflame Honeysuckle. They start off a...

- Flowers On Friday With Scylla & Fenris
This is a wild grass that grows in our yard it has pretty blue flowers. We have left several large clumps of it when we cut grass because it is so pretty. This is Purple Heart. We planted it in the front flower bed. Daddy made this flower bed for us....

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
I like this pretty yellow wildflower. If there were more of them I would pick a bouquet of them for MoMo. Can you see the purple flowers in this photo. They are a type of wild statise. Florist often use statise as a filler flower in flower arrangements....

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Scylla
Hi everyone, Charybdis and I had a wonderful time hanging out this weekend with the Tortie Twins, Holly and Ivy. You can't imagine how much trouble four young girl cats can get up to. OK, maybe you can, but no photographs no evidence I say. Suffice...

