Sunshine And Showers

Sunshine And Showers

Our unbelievable weather continues...highs in the 70's, sunny blue skies.... weird!
The farm was a whirlwind of excitement this weekend...
lots of comings and goings...

Saturday's highlight was a family cookout.

Andy, our BBQ chef (my son) smoked salmon filets....mmm mmm good!
Amanda made bruschetta orzo salad.
I baked a cake... lemon coconut.... might be our favorite yet.

(I can post the recipe if you want.)

Tyler spent the day with us.
Saturday morning's rain gave us a chance to play trains...
Love these Brio trains...leftover from 27 years ago when Andy was a toddler.

By noon, the sun came out and we picked (and ate) blueberries...

Fed Ritz crackers to the goats...

Tyler got a kick out of watching how far the goats stick out their tongues for a Ritz!

We packed about as much as we could into one day!

Sunday the farm served as the venue for a baby shower.

Anna, who often helps us out around the farm, is due in October...
a baby girl, Rebecca Lynn... named for Dr. Becky.

In my spare time this weekend,
I refinished this old desk...

and set up this vignette on our back porch.
The slate chalkboard came out of a Lancaster County one room schoolhouse.

We eat our meals out on our screened in porch all summer long,
so this little area will provide a little eye-appeal for our mealtimes.

We packed a lot into our weekend...and had a blast.
How about you... did you do any fun things this past weekend?a

PS:  I have something on my mind...
a little chicken insanity...
that I need to discuss with you.
Hopefully I will have a chance to write down my thoughts this week.

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