Sunshine and Smoking Jackets

Sunshine and Smoking Jackets

That Polar Vortex that we've all been hearing about so much this winter 
seems to be stuck in our area.
And from what I hear, it's not leaving any time soon!

We had a fresh snowfall Tuesday,
so when the sun finally came out yesterday,
it was absolutely beautiful and bitterly cold.

Nothing melted...and probably won't for quite some time.

We are all hibernating... only going outside when it's absolutely necessary.
The knitting continues as I sit inside the window soaking up the sunlight...

and I played around with new hairstyles...

By yesterday afternoon I needed to get outside in the sunlight,
so I bundled Sam and Oakley up in their "smoking jackets"

(we call them that because it sounds more masculine!)

and out we went for a walk.


I miss spending time with Ginger and MaryAnn.
They rarely emerge from their house...
staying inside under their heat lamp eating hay and sleeping.

So, I crawled through their little door and sat inside with them for a while.

It looks as if our visits over the next week will have to be done just like this!
And it also looks as though I will get more knitting done.

You'll notice, Sam and Oakley's jackets don't slow them down a bit!

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