

Just when it seems that life might settle down....
another curve ball comes screaming at you!

With our recent adoption of Oakley,
the wonderful Lab mix, who has turned out to be the perfect farm dog,
and then this weekend's adoption of Scarlet the pony,
I thought that things would quiet down for a bit.

Not so.

Yesterday brought the addition of....

(Hickory, seated, on left....Maddie, moving, on right)

Hickory is a 15 year old Norfolk terrier who was on her way to the pound.
Hubbs and I could not let that happen to such a sweet old gal like her.
So........we adopted her, of course.

Now, you might think we are crazy...
and maybe we are....
but I just could not see
an adorable, old, partially blind gal end up in the pound.
Most likely, since she is so very old, she would not be adoptable,
 and would either be


 or spend the end of her days in a cage.

Instead, she will finish her life in the midst of our family...
loved and well cared for...
for whatever time she has left on this earth.

I know, we are crazy!

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