

So much of my time is spent caring for animals....
feeding, watering, cleaning, exercising, visiting, loving...
it's what most of my life is all about.

Even when I am home in the house, 
there is always a dog that wants in,
a dog that wants out,
a dog that needs a drink,
 a dog that wants to play...

And so my days are spent with two and four legged friends of all sizes and shapes.
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Each and every one of my animals brings something special to my life.
I provide for them and love them, and they give me back so very much more.

And yet, each day I remind myself how temporary all of this...
this thing called life...

We have spent the past day holding vigil with our dear Hickory,
our 17 year old Norfolk terrier.
We fear her time with us is ending.
She has stopped eating...
her breathing is labored...
she will not stand or sit up....
she sleeps...
for now.

My gut tells me that she will soon be leaving us.
We let our tears flow freely as we gently caress our friend...
we say our goodbyes and hope she passes easily.

To quote a poem by an anonymous author....
"Tis a fearful thing to love, that what death can touch."

For now, we wait....


Addendum:  Our precious Hickory passed peacefully this morning at 5:30...
we were all at her side.
There is so much we will miss about this tiny dog with an extraordinarily large heart
(that beat like an out-of-balance washing machine)

Dearest Hickory, you will forever be in our hearts.

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- A Thought For Today
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- Awwww.........ewwwwww!
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