Talk Like A Pirate Mancate Monday

Talk Like A Pirate Mancate Monday

Ahoy Mates, I am Captain Meate Sparrow. How did I get my name you ask, well some guy named Sparrow was annoying me so me ate him. All the other pirates started saying Meate Sparrow, and the name stuck. If you annoys me I'll eat you too.

Now shiver me timbers weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! cause there is a gale blowing in. I am headed to the Poop deck for a nap. Skinny Leg  wants to meow at you now.............................

They thinks I look like a pirate kitty with my hurt paw. They says I can be First Mate Skinny Leg on Captain Meate Sparrow's pirate ship.
 You wouldn't know my paw had a hurty if they hadn't shaved it. I am walking, running and jumping on it good. They thinks I may have just got it caught in something. They couldn't tell for sure what happened so Mommy has to keep an eye on it. If the skin starts sloughing off it was a snake bite and I has to go back to the vet, if not I probably just got it caught in something. I is taking an antibiotic to prevent infection. I do not like the antibiotic and wish I could make Mommy walk the plank when she gives it to me.

I also wishes I could make her open the door and let me outside. I do not like staying inside. Mommy said she would ask the vet about me going outside, since I am climbing the walls (literally and figuratively).

 I will be glad when my fur grows back and I am free to go outside. ~Skinny Leg

- Pirate Day
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- Arty @ Vet
Arty is at the vet. Possible non-poisonous snake bite. She is going to take a nap so they can shave her paw and check the extent of the damage. There was bruising in addition to the bleeding and she will be taking an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory...

- Our Bird List For The Great Backyard Bird Count
Friday Feb 12th, we didn't participate. It was COLD, overcast and rainy all day. We did send Youngest Boy Bean to fill up the bird feeder. Saturday Feb 13th. The weather was some better but we couldn't get the Mom to go outside so we...

- Meow Like A Pirate Day
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- Alasandra's Book Club ~ The Dark Beyond The Stars By Frank M. Robinson
17 year old Sparrow wakes up after an horrific accident to no memory of his past life. The crew need him to remember who he really is before the Captain takes the ship into THE DARK. And the Captain is willing to do anything to keep Sparrow from remembering...

