Arty @ Vet

Arty @ Vet

Arty is at the vet. Possible non-poisonous snake bite. She is going to take a nap so they can shave her paw and check the extent of the damage. There was bruising in addition to the bleeding and she will be taking an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory once she comes home so she will be an inside kitty for awhile. Her blood work was good so they are starting the procedure now and will call Mommy when she is awake enough to come home.

UPDATE: The vet just called they just finished the procedure. They feel as if she either got bite by a small non-poisonous snake or she got her foot caught in something and it was pinched really badly. She is doing fine and should be ready to come home by 3:30 or 4. Everyone thank you so much for your concern and well wishes. We all really appreciate it.

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