Tattle Tail Tuesday by Charybdis

Tattle Tail Tuesday by Charybdis

Mommy has been shopping. She got this indoor/outdoor rug at the Animal Rescue Site. We go click every morning to feed cats and dogs.
She also got this cute orange kitty. He likes to climb on Mommy & Daddy's bedroom window.

He tells them how cold it is outside so they know how to dress for the day.

- Note From Charybdis
Everyone thank you so much for your purrs and good wishes. I am feeling much better. Mommy is feeling a little better too. She says if she could lay around sleeping all day she would probably feel as good as I do, but somebody has to take care of us....

- Socks ~ Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest
If you go here you can enter the Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest, or you can vote (that cost money) for your favourite pet. So far me and Scylla have both entered. We don't expect anyone to vote for us as we know $ are hard to come by these...

- Sockie~pooh Does The 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

- Cozy Cats
It is cold at our house. We had frost on the ground yesterday. We had never seen frost before. It is very coldy to your paws. We caught a mole when we were outside. Mommy shrieked when we brought it in the house to play with it. Daddy took it away from...

- Charybdis' Tale
Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU. We left for Grandma & Grandpa's...

