Texas Ed ~ Comments on regulating homeschoolers

Texas Ed ~ Comments on regulating homeschoolers

Visit Texas Ed to find out why regulating homeschoolers is a stupid idea.

The only thing regulating homeschooling will do is drive out the growing number of “non-conservative” homeschoolers who keep the homeschool movement from becoming the illiberal monolithic movement Reich and others are worried about. As groups like HSDLA and their “minions” try to keep homescholing pure, they show themselves for the intolerant, totalitarian organizations that they are. And believe it or not, as more “run of the mill” Christians are exposed to their true beliefs of such groups, they are rejecting them. Yes, they are Christians and their beliefs guide their teaching decisions but they do recognize “that other people have different convictions and that these people are, from the standpoint of citizenship, their equals.”

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