Thank you

Thank you

All of your purrs and good vibes plus the heating pad and pain medication have helped. I am feeling much better and the kitties and Fenris are going to make sure I take it easy tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support. ~Alasandra

- Scylla Update
I ate a good supper and I took all my medicine last night like a very good girl and enjoyed a nice long sleeps with Mommy in our bed. Today it looks like the swelling has gone down and Mommy thinks the color looks good. She also pinches the end of my...

- Fenris Friday
First off I wants to thank everyone for purring, crossing paws and sending positive vibes to Socks. We really thinks all of your love and support gave him a fighting chance. We don't know why he got sick yet. He will go to the regular vet Monday to...

- Fenris Friday
 Socks and I are sharing some guy time in the study. He is teaching me how to be STILL!!!! I would rather learn how to climb trees or something. ~Fenris PS: While Mommy still doesn't  know what was wrong with my leg Christmas morning (I...

Mr. R. W. Emerson has a serious heart condition, you can read about it at his blog. We are sure his family would appreciate purrs of support. We has our paws crossed that with medication he will live a long healthy happy life.  ...

- Purr For Mommy Please
Ever since Tuesday she has had a very stiff neck. It hurts to turn her head and there is a sharp shooting pain on her right side all the way up the base of her skull to her right ear. Instead of getting better it is getting worse and she is getting very...

