Purr for Mommy Please

Purr for Mommy Please

Ever since Tuesday she has had a very stiff neck. It hurts to turn her head and there is a sharp shooting pain on her right side all the way up the base of her skull to her right ear. Instead of getting better it is getting worse and she is getting very grumpy with us. She plans to go to the doctor Monday if it is not any better. Why are doctors and vets offices always closed when you feel bad? Anyway we would appreciate your purrs, we are going to force her to lay down on a heating pad for awhile and see if that helps.  ~AFSS

- Mancat Monday - Socks The Grumpy Cat
I don't know what the big deal is about Tard the Grumpy Cat. I can be a Grumpy Cat if I want to.  I bet I could be even grumpier then Tard if I sat my mind to it. In fact those PINK PILLS make me extremely GRUMPY. If I has to take pills why...

- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment. Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home...

- Shout Out From Afss
We wants to thank everyone that was concerned about the bad weather in our neck of the woods, and were concerned about us. It actually wasn't very bad here on the coast. As Mommy spent yesterday driving to Mobile, sitting around the campus while Eldest...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Thank You
All of your purrs and good vibes plus the heating pad and pain medication have helped. I am feeling much better and the kitties and Fenris are going to make sure I take it easy tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support. ~Alasandra ...

