Thank you MoMo & SS

Thank you MoMo & SS

We are very behind on showing you the lovely things MoMo and SS sent. Can you see the gorgeous butterflies on the scarf and the pretty scarf pin (Mommy just has it pinned to her shirt) they were part of a fundraiser to help the hearing impaired. Mommy had to try them on right away, they were so pretty (she has the bracelet on too).
You can see the cute bracelet better here, it was handmade by Miss Peach's human. We aren't sure if you can see it but the clasp is a very cute kitten. It was tucked inside the kitty wallet for safe keeping. The kitty key ring (and see Mommy already has the key to the Fit on it) was part of a fundraising effort to help educate the children in remote hill areas of south-western China

And this lovely addition to our family keeps watch over Mommy's desk. We have named her Miss Aussie.

Now we planned to show you a picture of the envelope, but Mommy is as impatient as Scylla so she opened it before she even thought about making pictures. Then she had to go try everything on and look in a mirror. By the time she thought about making pictures Scylla had shredded it. Scylla reports it made a lovely toy and thanks SS & MoMo for sending it. And we has to say it couldn't have picked a better day to arrive. See it came on the day we didn't have electricity all day cause they buried the power lines to save our live oak trees from being cut down (they made a very nice dust bath in the front yard for me ~ Scylla). So as you can imagine it was a very nerve wracking day as we didn't know if they would get the power back on that day for sure (there was some mention of having to wait until the next day), so the presents were a lovely distraction and gave us something to smile about while we waited for electricity.

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