To cute for words

To cute for words

Don't you think I am cute?

Mommy??? (Alasandra: Artemisia I think you are adorable)

Whew, I was worried!!! Mommy let Scylla enter the Kitty Fight Club so I thought she didn't think I was cute enough. Turns out I was just too old. Can you believe I am 9 months old now. There are a few pictures of me when I was 6 months old, but that was when I had first come to live here and was still shy. And Mommy does have two pictures when I was little and still lived at Grandma's bu they were taken from a distance so she thought we should give Scylla a chance to strut her stuff. Who knew she was such a cute kitten.

Scylla @ 9 weeks

I still thinks I could take her easy. I mean she is cute but ...... I has the fluff. Mommy says we are both beautiful in our own unique way. I think that means she LOVES US BOTH!

Guess I'll see what is going on outside now.

- Fenris Friday ~ Too Darn Cute
 It's time for Mango Minister 2012. We are all very excited as we had so much FUN last year. The hard part is picking a category. Do I belong in ..................Bad Sports, Adventure Animals, Cracker Critters, Too Darn Cute, or Working Stiffs?...

- Not Cute Enough
Well Powder Puff (aka Artemisia) is right, I am not cute enough. She'll never let me forget it either. I wants to thank all my friends for supporting me and their kind words of encouragement. I am still a WINNER cause I has wonderful friends like...

- Thank You Momo & Ss
We are very behind on showing you the lovely things MoMo and SS sent. Can you see the gorgeous butterflies on the scarf and the pretty scarf pin (Mommy just has it pinned to her shirt) they were part of a fundraiser to help the hearing impaired. Mommy...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Scylla & Charybdis Do The Honest Meme
Derby the Sassy Cat gave us this pawsome award. See Socks' post below for the rules and all that. We thought we would show you this old picture of us that was trapped on Mommy's cell phone before we get started. It's not very good quality...

- Middle Name Meme
Socks tagged Scylla and Charlotte tagged Charybdis so we are going to do them both together Scylla will go first.You have to post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name....

