

Thanksgiving photo's

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by alasand

Click on the photo to see more of the photo's in the album. If you click on alsand you will see all my photo albums.

I had a wonderful time Thanksgiving, it was really nice to see my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, and have the opportunity to visit with ya'll.

Thanksgiving Recipes

Click here for the Original Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Pan Cookie Recipe. I am so glad everyone enjoyed them, it was the first time I used the recipe. I used more chocolate chips then it called for, I think that's why all the chocolate chips were on the bottom.

I haven't got the Cranberry Pumpkin Bread on file, I tried scanning it in, but needless to say it didn't work. So as soon as I have a chance I'll type it in. I promise. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the photographs and the Chocolate Chip Pan Cookies.

- Happy Thanksgiving From Atcad
We hopes everyone has a wonderful day with their family and friends. ~Tuiren, Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Alasandra ...

- Scylla & Charybdis Are............
Scylla You Are Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream A classic and an original, no wonder everyone snakes your style!What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You? I am glad this is the kind of Ice Cream I am, because it is my humans favourite flavor....

- Peak Party!
by alasandDía de los muertosNovember 2nd our homeschool group celebrated Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). We had a great turn out and had tons of fun making sugar skulls, paper flowers, & doing other activities. Big thanks to Rachael for heading...

- This Is What Happens.....
When you warm your socks on the woodstove! We were treated to a special day on the farm with the twins and their significant others. We treated our special guests to the pleasures of pasture cleaning...arming each with a fresh manure rake. A lunch...

- Look How Chip Has Grown!
You might remember that our fainting goats came to Bee Haven Acres on Memorial Day of 2007. Amongst the group were our two kids....O'Malley and Chip. I thought it might be fun to see how the kids have changed. They are both fully mature. In fact,...

