That Something In The Air Was....SNOW!

That Something In The Air Was....SNOW!

Yesterday was another snow event for us.

Nothing like the blizzard two weeks prior...
but, still, snow that layed and accumulated!

Just when we were starting to see bare ground in some areas!

Ah, well, it is winter, after all... so this is to be expected.

And once again there were those that didn't seem to notice...

and those who wanted no part of it!

As for me...
when the chores were done
there was time for knitting.
(I've begun another sheep hat...I am going to knit one for each snowstorm that we have.)
I am still working on sock #2, but needed a little variety.

Snow days are perfect for baking...
filling the house with the most delicious smells,
while the oven helps to warm the kitchen.

I tried Joyce's recipe for Braided Italian Bread
 (you can find her blog here...she makes the most yummiest culinary creations...
and always gives the recipe!)
Warning: this recipe takes 2 days... and it's worth it!

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